Diskokatze [Berlin/DE] / Katzenjammer Rec. / Jubeljahre Festival)
Just before Corona started in early 2020 the Tiefdruck crew was invitedto Berlin bymighty Katzenjammer Records. Nowit'smorethan time to bring Berlin to Salzburg aswell.Prepareyourselffor Diskokatze at our Berlin Special!
Strictly 18+
Pleasenosmartphoneflashlights on thedancefloor - let'senjoythevibewithoutdistractions!
Partyingis YES - drugabuse, racism, violenceor hate
Tanja le Chains {SBG] / Mabu Beatz / KlinikRoom Recordings / Tiefdruck
Chris Nord [SBG] / Subios Records / AMPED Records / Soupherb Rec / Tiefdruck
The Renaissance [SBG] / Klinik Room Recordings / Tiefdruck
Dani Orange [OÖ] / Tiefdruck
Sa, 29.10.2022, 22:00 UHR,
VA: Rockhouse-Bar
VA: Rockhouse-Bar
Vorverkauf: 12.00€
Abendkassa: 15.00€
Abendkassa: 15.00€