Für Bands Rent the Rockhouse Werbepartner & Kooperation Presse


Margarita Witch Cult (UK)

Pyramid (AUT)

Fr, 21.07.2023, 19:00 UHR, Bar
VA: Rockhouse-Bar
PREISE Vorverkauf: 15.00€
Abendkassa: 18.00€

Margarita Witch Cult

Born from the murky industrial depths of Birmingham, UK, Margarita Witch Cult’s self-titled debut studio album is a tour-de-force in classic metal, hard rock, doom, and mind-melting psych. A thunderous drum fill propels you into opener ‘Diabolical Influence’- a lurching behemoth of a tune that makes easy bedfellows of crushing stoner riffs, Latin incantations, and a simply humongous chorus. The pace quickens with the frantic ‘Death Lurks at Every Turn’- a hair-raising thrasher of breakneck snare rolls and unruly guitar solos. ‘The Witchfinder Comes’ only furthers the sense of foreboding, as tales of torture and pleas for exile fall on the ever-deafening ears of the listener. ‘Be My Witch’ comes in hot and heavy as a grungy ode to the forbidden, and the blistering ‘Annihilation’ concludes side A with speed-freak ferocity. The more adventurous and immersive side B is kick-started with ‘Theme From Cyclops’ – the deft chops of all 3 members being undeniable as we gallop into the ambitious, face-melting journey that is ‘Lord Of The Flies’-a belting doom groover that culminates in a classic guitar & bass dual to rival even the most virtuosic of axe-wielders. As we near the end of our perilous sonic expedition, ‘Aradia’ serves up an instrumental serving of pure downtuned filth, with sleazy swagger and tasteful shredding that give extra provenance to its author's deep bag of tricks. The killer blow comes in the shape of the simply savage ‘Sacrifice’- an unholy exhibition of undeniable force. The duality of the track makes for an experience that leaves our sweet listener reeling- the bludgeoning weight of its monstrous main-riff giving way to razor-sharp verses and a tripped-out, mind-bending psych jam- only to come crashing back to crushing reality as the final, fatal notes ring out. With their debut LP, Margarita Witch Cult have crafted a timeless, merciless beast- one that will chew you up and spit you out, yet somehow keep you crawling back for more.




When the first particles in the universe collided, the universe was created. That was certainly a cool event. A few years later, in 2007, when a couple of guys from Hallein, Austria got together with the aim of making rock n roll, that's when things really started to make sense and became colourful. Since then, and an estimated 1000 riffs later, it's still time for them to put together the influences of house high fuzz walls, furry soft-soul lyrics and neon-glowing psychedelic parts. The band functions like a vegetable patch, some things change over time, some things get thrown in or chopped out, but at their core they remain the same heavy but charming rock show, always ready to grow some trippy mushrooms on your eardrums and minds.


gmyas are:

* aki - guitar & vocals
* wulfmaster - guitar & vocals
* rudl - Bass
* cheese - Drums




Wer bei Pyramid die Augen schließt, lässt sich auf eine musikalische Zeitreise ein. Die Einflüsse der vierköpfigen Psychedelic-Rockband aus dem Salzburger Flachgau haben alle eines gemeinsam: sie gehen auf prägende Bands aus Sternstunden der Rock-Welt zurück. Pink Floyd und Deep Purple finden sich in diesem Klangspektrum ebenso wie Pearl Jam und die Red Hot Chili Peppers. Abtauchen und Abschalten ist bei Pyramid genauso am Programm wie tanzen und headbangen. Pyramid sind Jeremias Zeh, Tina Jandl, Benedikt und Hermann Emig.
