Für Bands Rent the Rockhouse Werbepartner & Kooperation Presse


Glare of the Sun (AUT)

ONLINE TICKETS /( Hier bitte klicken )



Greh (GER)
Gjoad (AUT)

Fr, 31.01.2025, 19:00 UHR, Bar
VA: Rockhouse-Bar
PREISE Vorverkauf: 15.00€
Abendkassa: 20.00€

Glare of the Sun

Glare of the Sun released their long awaited third studio album "TAL" this year and therefore they will be back at Rockhouse Bar Salzburg to give you a taste how this masterpiece sounds live.



GREH is a new band of Gjero Krsteski (guitar / ex. HELLGREASER), Maurice Monne (drums / HARD STRIKE, MILAN) and Martin Kocula (vocals /GRAU) from Germany. After Gjero left HELLGREASER, he founded GREH. First in 2022 as a one-man project and in 2023 as a full-fledged band. On March 31, 2023, the digital debut EP "Reversion Of The Repressed" was released with five songs, which stylistically represent a mixture of black and death metal with doom elements, combining sadness and heaviness with groove and dissonance. The band has supported bands like Ophis, HEXIS, Iron Walrus, Magefa and headlined shows together with Arsen, Dornen, Tristis, Tourin Horse since 2023 and gained a legion of fans. GREH are currently working on their debut album “Dysphoric Devotion”, which will be released on January 15, 2025. For fans of: Hexis, Heriot, Nails, Mantar, Thou, Konvent, Conan, YOB, Nightmarer, Predatory Void, Triptykon, Body Void, Primitive Man.




Inspiriert von der Natur sowie lokalen Sagen und Mythen baut die Band Gjoad aus Salzburg akustische Landschafen aus Ambientklängen, Dark Folk, Psychedelic, Doom und Post-Metal. Das erste, großteils instrumentale Album "Samanōn" wurde 2020 noch als Trio produziert.
